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The small data - STING AD

The small data

The small details, which reveal large-scale trends

author: Martin Lindstrom

“Small data. The small details, that reveal large-scale trends' by Martin Lindström is a book, which reveals what it is, which is the basis of the successful brand.

Martin Lindström is a marketing consultant, famous for his bestseller The Biology of Buying. Fundamentals of Neuromarketing', in which he reveals unsuspected facts and regularities about the way, by which people perceive brand messages.

The main theme of “Small Data. The small details, which reveal large-scale trends" are the "small data" and "desires" which, according to the author, are the basis of the brand and its construction.

Small data is the small and at first glance even imperceptible data, which reveal the true human essence - these are, for example, rituals, habits, the gestures, the preferences of users of a certain group, which could reveal large-scale trends in human behavior and specifically which desires remain unsatisfied.

Collected and interpreted appropriately, small data reveals their unsatisfied desires. Can we translate that into the brand of the product (as well as in your personal brand), that's what it means, that the brand will permanently capture the attention of consumers.