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The Tao of Warren Buffett - STING AD

The Tao of Warren Buffett

In The Tao of Warren Buffett, the authors and experts in. Sun. "Buffetology" have selected thoughts and winged phases of the businessman from various sources - personal conversations, interviews, corporate reports, biographical sketches, etc.

The statements in the publication illustrate the practical strategies of Warren Buffett and are not only useful guidelines for any investor - large or small, – but also examples, which anyone could follow.

To more accurately and descriptively illustrate Warren's words in practice, the co-authors have added brief explanations to each quote, as well as samples of a number of deals of the businessman.

"The Tao of Warren Buffett" Reveals Life Philosophy and Investment Strategies, provided him and Berkshire Hathaway shareholders with extraordinary wealth.

The Tao of Warren Buffett is a book for business owners, for managers in companies, for investors and enterprising people, who will gain experience from one of the most successful and wealthy people in the world.