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It's not the big ones that eat the little ones, and the swift devour the slow - STING AD

It's not the big ones that eat the little ones, and the swift devour the slow

"It's not the big ones that eat the little ones, and the fast eat the slow' by Jason Jennings and Lawrence Houghton is a book about speed in business as a means of dealing with competition.

Jason Jennings and Lawrence Houghton consider, that being fast does not necessarily mean moving fast in the physical sense of the word, but to achieve remarkable success and accumulate considerable wealth.

The formula of speed, which the two authors present to us, is based on the findings of their large-scale author's in-depth research of companies from various sectors.

Jason Jennings and Lawrence Haughton write:

"Considered by itself, haste without a definite direction is nothing more than haste. Left unchecked, it will surely get us into big trouble. But imagine how many races you would win, if you had a good starting speed…

Imagine the benefits you will have, if you know what the future will look like and master the ability to spot favorable opportunities before the competition. Try to calculate the benefit of being able to think quickly and correctly, to make decisions in a matter of minutes, that your competitors have been discussing for weeks.

The fastest companies in the world think the fastest,thanks to its ability to: expectation; spotting favorable trends, putting each idea through the 'grinder' of thorough discussion; ensuring that the best idea wins.”