
Communication during a health crisis – practicing pharmacists

Dear colleagues,

An interesting retrospective scientific study is being conducted at the Center for Infectious and Parasitic Diseases, based on anonymous surveys, including. among health professionals. The survey takes approx 10 minutes. After filling and pressing the button “sending” the results are entered into a database , without being able to identify the respondent. The goal is for researchers to gather information,  on people's preferred sources of information during the pandemic, worked on the front line (doctors, nurses, pharmacists and journalists). An analysis is also made of how these professionals perceive what happened in terms of disease risk and, respectively, the management of the health crisis. Some of the questions assess levels of trust in institutions.

With a request to assist colleagues from the center, we are sending you a link to the survey, adapted for pharmacists.

Link: https://ec.europa.eu/eusurvey/runner/covid-19-communication-pharma