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Ethics and transparency. Code of conduct - STING AD

Ethics and transparency. Code of conduct

Ethics is a value-based normative assimilation of the world by man and reflects three types of relationships:
"When one chooses, chooses not only for himself, but also for others ". /Sartre /.
By choosing, he models a world with certain values.

Behavioral model

Sting AD, create your own pattern of behavior, in which the leading role is played by the full health communication between the participants in the pharmaceutical sector. The established partnership, between healthcare professionals and patient organizations, wholesalers and retailers of medicinal products, aims to improve cooperation between them. Because transparency in this system allows people to participate in the decision-making process. Institutions can enjoy greater legitimacy and efficiency only on condition, that they continue to bear full responsibility to society.

The applied Code of Conduct "Our Values ​​and Standards" outlines the principles of ethics and transparency. It sets out the rules of action for our employees, as well as confidence , that they understand what is expected of them and their contribution to the company's development process . Conflicts of interest and manner occupy a central place, We observe the basic ethical principles and standards such as independence and responsibility for the quality of services provided. We adhere to the protection of professional secrecy in the performance of our daily duties in strict compliance with applicable regulations. This is assessed by colleagues, who are our partners more than 28 years.

We have fixed three main directions, dealing with transparency and ethics in the pharmaceutical sector:

Relationships with pharmacies

Contacts with medical specialists

Contacts with the competent authorities and institutions in the field of healthcare